


啊,爱,爱,爱!啊,枯萎的力量!啊,太阳,你在正午的高处战栗,我一睁眼,你的热和光就悸动着,看哪,从我永恒的心中坠落,看哪,干枯了,又聋又瞎,我像狂风中的树叶一样旋转。昨夜我在城东城楼下虚度了可恨的时光:我渴望小溪和甘霖;我在娇嫩的花丛中打滚;我把它们压在胸前,压在嘴上;我望着南方那片长沙漠的灼热的干旱。昨夜,当有人说出他的名字时,从我奔流不息的血液中,有一千个小火苗在我狭窄的身躯里颤抖。哦,爱,哦,火!有一次,他用一个长长的吻把我的整个灵魂吸出我的双唇,就像阳光吸下露水。在他登上山头之前,我知道他很快就来了:从下面,甜蜜的大风,像从花园深处吹来一样,在他面前吹来,拍打着我的额头。在我干枯的头脑里,我的精神很快就沉下去了,从昏厥到昏厥,昏厥得像昏黄的晨月。 The wind sounds like a silver wire, And from beyond the noon a fire Is pour'd upon the hills, and nigher The skies stoop down in their desire; And, isled in sudden seas of light, My heart, pierced thro' with fierce delight, Bursts into blossom in his sight. My whole soul waiting silently, All naked in a sultry sky, Droops blinded with his shining eye: I will possess him or will die. I will grow round him in his place, Grow, live, die looking on his face, Die, dying clasp'd in his embrace.