
在这里你会发现纪念A. H. H.: 6。有人写道,其他朋友Rem诗人阿尔弗雷德·丁尼生

纪念A. H. H.: 6。有人写道,其他朋友Rem

有人写道,“朋友还在”,“失去对人类来说是很平常的事”——司空见惯的事是司空见惯的,空空的谷壳本是用来当粮食的。失去是常见的,这并不会使我的痛苦减少,反而会增加。太常见了!从没有早晨过到黄昏,但有些心已经碎了。啊,父亲,无论你身在何处,你现在恳求你的英勇的儿子,一枪,你的药还没喝完一半,你的生命就已经逝去了。啊,母亲,祈祷上帝拯救你的水手吧——当你低下头的时候,他那沉重的吊床裹尸布掉进了他那巨大而漂泊的坟墓里。你们并不比我更清楚,我是在那最后时刻竭力取悦他的。他沉思着我要说的一切,写了些什么,想了些什么;仍然期待着他的归来;在路上遇见他时,总是满怀希望地想:“今天在这里”,或者“他明天会来”。 O somewhere, meek, unconscious dove, That sitteth ranging golden hair; And glad to find thyself so fair, Poor child, that waiteth for thy love! For now her father's chimney glows In expectation of a guest; And thinking "this will please him best," She takes a riband or a rose; For he will see them on to-night; And with the thought her colour burns; And, having left the glass, she turns Once more to set a ringlet right; And, even when she turn'd, the curse Had fallen, and her future Lord Was drown'd in passing thro' the ford, Or kill'd in falling from his horse. O what to her shall be the end? And what to me remains of good? To her, perpetual maidenhood, And unto me no second friend.