


给我拿一夸脱殖民地时期的啤酒来,再拿些松软的果酱来助兴,我得做一顿丰盛的晚餐;大吃大喝,难以消化的东西填满了肚子,下个月他们举办墨尔本杯,我要梦想冠军。加油,孩子们!半熟的火腿,丰盛的炖菜和迷人的火腿。我得把酒调一下;给我一只公鹅瘦弱的后腿,硬得像木桩,我要用煮熟的鸡蛋把它吞下去,这会让我更快地做梦。现在我吃饱了可怕的食物,噢,但在我不安不安的睡眠中,我会梦见一个真正的赢家;当噩梦在我炽热的大脑中狂奔而恶魔骑士又在鞭策我,奖杯之旅将回报我的痛苦,我将找到中奖号码。成千上万的人,像白色的太平洋海岸上的沙滩,拥挤的人群聚集在一起;因为这个故事永远是古老的,当赛马被买卖,被黄金的贪婪所吸引,成千上万的人仍然聚集在一起。* * * * *赌马人的喊声越来越激烈,“我要下注! The double, if not!" "Five monkeys, Little John, sir!" "Here's fives bar one, I lay, I lay!" And so they shout through the livelong day, And stick to the game that is sure to pay, While fools put money on, sir! And now in my dream I seem to go And bet with a "book" that I seem to know -- A Hebrew money-lender; A million to five is the price I get -- Not bad! but before I book the bet The horse's name I clean forgret, Its number and even gender. Now for the start, and here they come, And the hoof-strokes roar like a mighty drum Beat by a hand unsteady; They come like a rushing, roaring flood, Hurrah for the speed of the Chester blood; For Acme is making the pace so good They are some of 'em done already. But round the track she begins to tire, And a mighty shout goes up "Crossfire!" The magpie jacket's leading; And Crossfire challenges fierce and bold, And the lead she'll have and the lead she'll hold, But at length gives way to the black and gold, Which right to the front is speeding. Carry them on and keep it up -- A flying race is the Melbourne Cup, You must race and stay to win it; And old Commotion, Victoria's pride, Now takes the lead with his raking stride, And a mighty roar goes far and wide -- "There's only Commotion in it!" But one draws out from the beaten ruck And up on the rails by a piece of luck He comes in a style that's clever; "It's Trident! Trident! Hurrah for Hales!" "Go at 'em now while their courage fails;" "Trident! Trident! for New South Wales!" "The blue and white for ever!" Under the whip! with the ears flat back, Under the whip! though the sinews crack, No sign of the base white feather: Stick to it now for your breeding's sake, Stick to it now though your hearts should break, While the yells and roars make the grand-stand shake, They come down the straignt together. Trident slowly forges ahead, The fierce whips cut and the spurs are red, The pace is undiminished Now for the Panics that never fail! But many a backer's face grows pale As old Commotion swings his tail And swerves -- and the Cup is finished. * * * * * And now in my dream it all comes back: I bet my coin on the Sydney crack, A million I've won, no question! "Give me my money, you hook-nosed hog! Give me my money, bookmaking dog!" But he disappeared in a kind of fog, And I woke with "the indigestion".