


他在她面前高高兴兴地蹦蹦跳跳,一颗胖胖的火花,有点向前走。他在地上如同参孙的脚步、站住、用网罗捆住、有五十多人。她是一朵刚刚展开的郁金香,是汽车世界里最甜美的东西。她的身体是诗人梦寐以求的;十八岁——二十岁,至少她看上去是这样。她的神态高傲,她的精神高傲,但在一切允许的情况下,她控制得很好。“可怜,”他说,“我的悲惨处境;我的心都快被点燃了。“让我做一件铤而走险的事,我会立刻以最快的速度去做。”“先生,”姑娘说,“请坐; I fear from your bearing you're somewhat heated. "And I trust that a timely lubrication Of throttle will cool your circulation." As a well-made mixture she indicated, With joy and gladness he radiated. "Oh, come," said he, "in this soft spring weather, Let us run over the world together!" But she slipped his clutch with a gesture mocking, "Your heart," she said; "I can hear it knocking. "You haven't the gear at my pace to last; Both men and motors -- I like them fast. "And I think that in me you have missed your mission; You are only an old-style tube-ignition!" With a sidelong motion he left the place; For weal or woe he was off his base. He drove his car to the cliffs of Dover, Made one short circuit and ran her over. And the stormy Petrol her rest is taking, Where only the wild waves do the "braking".