


当我们在丹达卢举行跨栏、短跑和跨栏比赛的时候,一群悉尼的小偷、骑师、拳击手和骑手带来了一些马,真正的赛马,来让我们经受考验。打败了我们的老马,赢了我们的钱,让游戏变得毫无趣味,让我们变得忧郁;当比赛结束时,我们辛苦赚来的钱被剥光了,丹达卢人坐在丹达卢沉思。* * * * *夜幕降临在约翰逊的棚屋里,那里的酒一点也不少,一阵骚动越来越大,直到有一个狂野的、兴奋的人从镇上疾驰而过,嘴里骂道:“悉尼人围攻了麦克弗森,快起来,丹达卢!”伟大的圣丹尼!什么骚动!就像汹涌澎湃的海洋,火红的骑士在飞翔。灰尘、烟雾、喧闹声、嘎嘎声,他们赶着牲口沿街而下,随着战斗的呐喊:“丹达卢,下水吧!”约翰逊吹灭了酒吧间的灯,好让孩子们把他们的争斗结束,然后急急忙忙地退了出去。在黑暗和怀疑中,冲突和呐喊愈演愈烈,“给悉尼推一把,去吧,丹达卢!” Jack Macpherson seized a bucket, Every head he saw he struck it -- Struck in earnest, too; And a man from Lower Wattle, Whom a shearer tried to throttle, Hit out freely with a bottle There in Dandaloo. Skin and hair were flying thickly, When a light was fetched, and quickly Brought a fact to view -- On the scene of the diversion Every single, solid person Come along to help Macpherson -- All were Dandaloo! When the list of slain was tabled -- Some were drunk and some disabled -- Still we found it true. In the darkness and the smother We'd been belting one another; Jack Macpherson bashed his brother There in Dandaloo. So we drank, and all departed -- How the "mobbing" yarn was started No one ever knew -- And the stockmen tell the story Of that conflict fierce and gory, How he fought for love and glory Up in Dandaloo. It's a proverb now, or near it -- At the races you can hear it, At the dog-fights, too! Every shrieking, dancing drover As the canines topple over Yells applause to Grip or Rover, "Give him 'Dandaloo'!" And the teamster slowly toiling Through the deep black country, soiling Wheels and axles, too, Lays the whip on Spot and Banker, Rouses Tarboy with a flanker -- "Redman! Ginger! Heave there! Yank her Wade in, Dandaloo!"