


事情就是这样,难道你不知道吗——赖安因为偷羊而被“通缉”,无论高低,都找不到他——抓到熟睡的黄鼠狼!直到司考特骑兵,从斯托克曼渡口来的——我听他们说,他也是个丛林人——在死荫旅馆里偶然发现他醉得像个土豪。你知道那个地方吗?这是路边的旅店,一个低矮的窝棚——一个丛林人的陷阱,隐藏在它的耻辱和罪恶中在康罗伊峡谷的庇护下——在那皱着眉头的山脉的阴影下——有史以来最粗鲁的人群——小偷和流氓,粗鲁和奇怪,聚集在“死亡的阴影”周围。骑兵知道,如果有机会,他的人会像只野狗一样溜走;在山坡上,瑞恩会带他跳一段欢快的舞蹈。骑兵来的时候,他虽然喝醉了,但对他来说,这一点都不重要——不管喝醉了还是清醒了,他都是一样的,是康罗伊峡谷里最勇敢的骑手。“我要你,瑞恩,”骑警说,“听我说,如果你敢反抗,我发誓,我会开枪打死你!”他啪的一声把钢扣在犯人的手腕上,瑞恩听到手铐的咔嚓声,在他们转身离开时恢复了理智,因为恐惧会像医生知道的所有药物一样迅速使人清醒。在那间简陋的酒吧里有个叫凯特·卡鲁的女孩,和那些丛林女孩一样安静害羞,但也机智勇敢。 She loved this Ryan, or so they say, And passing by, while her eyes were dim With tears, she said in a careless way, "The Swagman's round in the stable, Jim." Spoken too low for the trooper's ear, Why should she care if he heard or not? Plenty of swagmen far and near -- And yet to Ryan it meant a lot. That was the name of the grandest horse In all the district from east to west; In every show ring, on every course, They always counted The Swagman best. He was a wonder, a raking bay -- One of the grand old Snowdon strain -- One of the sort that could race and stay With his mighty limbs and his length of rein. Born and bred on the mountain side, He could race through scrub like a kangaroo; The girl herself on his back might ride, And The Swagman would carry her safely through. He would travel gaily from daylight's flush Till after the stars hung out their lamps; There was never his like in the open bush, And never his match on the cattle-camps. For faster horses might well be found On racing tracks, or a plain's extent, But few, if any, on broken ground Could see the way that The Swagman went. When this girl's father, old Jim Carew, Was droving out on the Castlereagh With Conroy's cattle, a wire came through To say that his wife couldn't live the day. And he was a hundred miles from home, As flies the crow, with never a track Through plains as pathless as ocean's foam; He mounted straight on The Swagman's back. He left the camp by the sundown light, And the settlers out on the Marthaguy Awoke and heard, in the dead of night, A single horseman hurrying by. He crossed the Bogan at Dandaloo, And many a mile of the silent plain That lonely rider behind him threw Before they settled to sleep again. He rode all noght, and he steered his course By the shining stars with a bushman's skill, And every time that he pressed his horse The Swagman answered him gamely still. He neared his home as the east was bright. The doctor met him outside the town "Carew! How far did you come last night?" "A hundred miles since the sun went down." And his wife got round, and an oath he passed, So long as he or one of his breed Could raise a coin, though it took their last, The Swagman never should want a feed. And Kate Carew, when her father died, She kept the horse and she kept him well; The pride of the district far and wide, He lived in style at the bush hotel. Such wasThe Swagman; and Ryan knew Nothing about could pace the crack; Little he'd care for the man in blue If once he got on The Swagman's back. But how to do it? A word let fall Gave him the hint as the girl passed by; Nothing but "Swagman -- stable wall; Go to the stable and mind your eye." He caught her meaning, and quickly turned To the trooper: "Reckon you'll gain a stripe By arresting me, and it's easily earned; Let's go to the stable and get my pipe, The Swagman has it." So off they went, And as soon as ever they turned their backs The girl slipped down, on some errand bent Behind the stable and seized an axe. The trooper stood at the stable door While Ryan went in quite cool and slow, And then