


大泻湖里的青蛙们会对着银色的月亮唱他们的歌。男高音演唱者不合适,因为每只青蛙都是低音提琴。但从来没有一个人类合唱团能超过他们设定的准确时间。独唱歌手开始开这个玩笑;他唱道:“只要我活着,我就呱呱,呱呱,呱呱。”合唱队跟着他:“呱呱,呱呱,呱呱!”诗人青蛙,用它哀怨的声调,唱出一种完全属于它自己的悲伤;“我怎样才能满足我心中的愿望呢?我怎样才能感觉到我的灵魂之火呢?”独唱的青蛙在他最深的呱呱声中,“点燃你的灵魂,”他唱道,“吃可乐,可乐,吃可乐,”合唱跟着他:“可乐,可乐,可乐!”绿色的青蛙坐在沼泽地里,唱着他不知道是什么的歌。 "The world is rotten, oh cursed plight, That I am the frog that must set it right. How shall I scatter the shades that lurk?" And the old man bullfrog sang, "Get work, Work, get work," And the chorus followed him: "Work, work, work!" The soaring spirits that fain would fly On wings of hope to the starry sky Must face the snarls of the jealous dogs, For the world is ruled by its chorus frogs.