


你从乡下回来了,劳森先生,你去的地方,你愤愤不平地诅咒着所有的生意;嗯,我们很遗憾让你失望了,而且听说天气不凉爽,也不阴凉,也没有啤酒,当你第一次出现在他的视野里时,那只疯牛哼了一声,我们也很难过——嗯,你知道,他不是经常看到像你这样的大浪的;路上又热又满是灰尘,平原被烧成了棕色,毫无疑问,你更适合在城里喝柠檬汁。不过,至多一两个月以后,如果你再走一遍你走过的这条路,你也许会纳闷这是什么意思;在那里,被太阳烤焦的土地像一个痛苦的生物在喘息,你会看到草在摇曳,像一片盛夏的谷地,还有数英里干涸的水沟,被沙子和泥土堵塞,你会发现它们是湍急的河流,浊流汹涌。因为风雨、干旱和阳光都没有改变街道,没有改变那一排排阴沉的建筑物和不停的脚步声;但随着季节的升降,灌木丛也有情绪和变化,而了解灌木丛的人——他们对一切都很忠诚。*但你发现丛林是凄凉的,是一个没有欢乐的地方——你有没有在夜里听到剪羊毛的棚屋里有合唱?他们是在营火欢快的火焰旁“唤醒了威廉·莱利”吗?他们把他抬起来了吗,就像我们在过去的好时光里把他抬起来一样? And the women of the homesteads and the men you chanced to meet -- Were their faces sour and saddened like the 'faces in the street'? And the 'shy selector children' -- were they better now or worse Than the little city urchins who would greet you with a curse? Is not such a life much better than the squalid street and square Where the fallen women flaunt it in the fierce electric glare, Wher the sempstress plies her needle till her eyes are sore and red In a filthy, dirty attic toiling on for daily bread? Did you hear no sweeter voices in the music of the bush Than the roar of trams and buses, and the war-whoop of 'the push'? Did the magpies rouse your slumbers with their carol sweet and strange? Did you hear the silver chiming of the bell-birds on the range? But, perchance, the wild birds' music by your senses was despised, For you say you'll stay in townships till the bush is civilized. Would you make it a tea-garden, and on Sundays have a band Where the 'blokes' might take their 'donahs', with a 'public' close at hand? You had better stick to Sydney and make merry with the 'push', For the bush will never suit you, and you'll never suit the bush.