
在这里你会发现Mulga Bill的自行车诗人安德鲁·巴顿·帕特森(《班卓琴》)

Mulga Bill的自行车

来自Eaglehawk的Mulga Bill掀起了自行车热潮;他赶走了那匹服侍了他许多天的老马;他穿上骑自行车的衣服,光彩夺目;他匆匆赶到城里,买了一台崭新的机器。当他带着高傲的神气把车推进门时,店员咧嘴笑着说:“对不起,你会骑吗?”“听着,年轻人,”马尔加·比尔说,“从瓦尔格特到大海,从康罗伊峡到卡斯尔雷,没有人能像我一样骑马。大家都知道,我什么事都做得很好,虽然我不是那个爱说话的人——我讨厌爱吹牛的人。但骑马是我的特殊天赋,是我最主要、唯一的乐趣;问问野鸭会不会游泳,野猫会不会打架。没有什么东西是披着毛或皮的,也没有什么东西是用肉或钢造的,没有什么东西是靠轴、靠蹄或靠轮走、跳、跑的,但我要坐着,只要我的皮还能撑得住,腰和带子还系得紧,我要立刻骑上这个两轮的东西。” 'Twas Mulga Bill, from Eaglehawk, that sought his own abode, That perched above the Dead Man's Creek, beside the mountain road. He turned the cycle down the hill and mounted for the fray, But ere he'd gone a dozen yards it bolted clean away. It left the track, and through the trees, just like a silver streak, It whistled down the awful slope towards the Dead Man's Creek. It shaved a stump by half an inch, it dodged a big white-box: The very wallaroos in fright went scrambling up the rocks, The wombats hiding in their caves dug deeper underground, As Mulga Bill, as white as chalk, sat tight to every bound. It struck a stone and gave a spring that cleared a fallen tree, It raced beside a precipice as close as close could be; And then as Mulga Bill let out one last despairing shriek It made a leap of twenty feet into the Dead Man's Creek. 'Twas Mulga Bill from Eaglehawk, that slowly swam ashore: He said, "I've had some narrer shaves and lively rides before; I've rode a wild bull round a yard to win a five-pound bet, But this was the most awful ride that I've encountered yet. I'll give that two-wheeled outlaw best; It's shaken all my nerve To feel it whistle through the air and plunge and buck and swerve. It's safe at rest in Dead Man's Creek, we'll leave it lying still; A horse's back is good enough henceforth for Mulga Bill." A.B. (Banjo) Paterson