


蓝海上所有的船坞,无论是旧的还是新的,都无法与考卡托的船坞相媲美。在所有的部长家族中,没有人比奥沙利文海军上将更好、更有价值了。当然,我们指的是e·w·奥沙利文,那个控制科克托码头的英雄。他向工人们解释他的观点——“除非你愿意,否则你不必辛苦,你唯一的工作就是拉螺丝钉。”有时令他们大为吃惊的是,当谴责的选票满天飞扬时,他总是让他们全都升起来。“一两镑怎么样?”伟大的e·w·奥沙利文在考卡托喊道。那个船坞主管,他根本不是个称职的人——他对这种同情嗤之以鼻。所以当他解雇一个人的时候,奥沙利文立刻跟踪他,把他抓了回来。他会带着同情的泪水说:“你竟敢干涉,你这个误入歧途的工程师? "Your sordid manners please amend -- No man can possibly offend Who has a Member for a friend. "With euchre, or a friendly rub, And whisky, from the nearest 'pub', We'll make the dockyard like a club. "Heave ho, my hearties, play away, We'll do no weary work today. What odds -- the public has to pay! "And if the public should complain I'll go to Broken Hill by train To watch McCarthy making rain." And there, with nothing else to do No doubt the great E. W. Will straightway raise McCarthy's screw.