


杰里米·杰弗斯先生有一对斑点小母牛他以两英镑十英镑的价格卖给了罗伯特·雷蒙德·雷恩先生,后者在马丁·马多克斯先生的卢塞恩围场里饲养它们,当它们长成奶牛时,卖给了唐纳德·大卫·道斯先生。一个牧场主,埃格伯特·英尼斯先生,花了20几尼买下了它们,然后挤了牛奶,卖给了斯蒂芬·埃文·西尔克先生。从Laurence Lampard-Lee先生那里租了一个黄油工厂。杂货店老板罗兰·拉特先生每周来买一次黄油,他在阳光街开了一家商店,就在彼得·皮特先生隔壁。每天下午两点,他都派他漂亮的女儿露西·卢到拉特先生的店里去买一些价格不太高的东西,尤其是一先令一罐的“富勒的瘦子食品”。这些食物是给露西·卢买的——一个举止妩媚的姑娘,她太苍白,太瘦小,看上去不太讨人喜欢。露西看见罗兰·拉特先生储备的黄油,就说:“我要一磅。”她有了它,从此长胖了。我们现在回到杰弗斯先生那里,他卖掉了那对斑点小母牛。他有一个儿子,名叫詹姆斯·埃德加·约翰,是个英俊的小伙子,已经到了年轻人都需要妻子的年纪; But no young girl about the place Exactly had the kind of face That seemed to suit James Edgar John - A saddening thing to think upon, For he grew sad and sick of life Because he could not find a wife. One day young James was passing by (A look of sorrow in his eye) The shop of Mr Roland Rutter, When Lucy Loo came out with butter. At once James Edgar John said, "That Is just the girl for me! She's fat." He offered her his heart and hand And prospects of his father's land. The Reverend Saul Sylvester Slight Performed the simple marriage rite. The happy couple went their way, And lived and loved unto this day. Events cannot be far foreseen; And all ths joy might not have been If Mr Jeremiah Jeffers Had kept his pair of spotted heifers.