


狐狸雷纳德被邀请参加一个聚会。“来吧,”他们说,“穿上你最好的衣服,因为我们喜欢好样子,尽管我们玩得很开心;所以所有跳舞的人都必须穿着正式:黑色燕尾服和闪闪发光的衬衫前襟。每只舞鞋都被刷得锃亮,裤子上有丝线缝,干净的白色手套,雪白的色调。这只最特别的——非常特别的——雪白的手套,色调一尘不染。狐狸雷纳德,当他穿衣服时(寓言说)梦见了舞蹈和他的爱人,然后他在梳妆台和桌子上找了又找,但他只发现了一只旧手套!一只难看的手套,粗黑的缝线和他那件硬挺的白衬衫最相配。一个情人能去追求一个如此迷人的姑娘吗?她只戴了一只脏兮兮的手套。哦,太恶心了——太恶心了——皱巴巴的,脏兮兮的。狐狸雷纳德对仙女之王说:“国王,我来找你要一份权力。 Gloves! All as white as the lamb that was Mary's. Pray you, fashion a pair from a magic flower. >From a summer cloud, from the web of a spider. Skin of a toadstool, a snowberry rind, Down from the breast of a fledgling eider." And the King said "Sure", for the King was kind. Ever so graciously - Gaily and graciously - "Oke", said the Monarch, for he was kind. Then Reynard, the fox, beheld a wonder: A wave of his wand by the Fairy King - And there, with the green leaves spreading under, Sprang forth a sceptre, a magic thing With garlands of gloves in a gleaming cluster, White as the fleeces of new-shorn flocks That fairy shepherds in Arcady muster. And a pair they presented to Reynard, the fox. They fitted him perfectly. Said the King, "perfectly" "Your Majesty.' Thank you!" said Reynard, the fox. Reynard, the fox, made haste to the revel; Beau of the ball, as they had to confess. And the ladies sighed, "What a handsome devil?" As for his lady - of course it was, "yes". Then they danced and they fasted with merry laughter. While Reynard weaved dreams in the clouds above. And they called that blossom, from then ever after - Men, foxes and fairies - the white Fox-glove. Tall and so slenderly Graceful and tenderly, Swaying its sceptre - the White Fox-Glove.