


当蓝色的正午在我们头顶上拱起,杨树落下凄凉的叶子,请再告诉我,爱为什么使人着迷,爱又给予了什么。是颤抖的手指在描摹眉毛?S曲线,脸颊的曲线?手一抚摸,嘴就颤抖,却不能说话?不,不是这些,不是在这些里面隐藏着秘密,而不是在其他东西里面:不仅仅是手的触摸能使人高兴,直到血液歌唱。是落在我们之间的绿叶,是低吟的钟声,是移动的影子,是在我们身上渐渐暗淡的秋日的阳光,这些都是爱。这是“不,让我们在这里再坐一会儿,”“等到明天吧。”“一旦我知道??”这些琐事,我抚摸着你的手指说,时钟敲了两下。世界错综复杂,而我们什么都不是。 It is the complex world of grass, A twig on the path, a look of loathing, Feelings that pass ? These are the secret! And I could hate you, When, as I lean for another kiss, I see in your eyes that I do not meet you, And that love is this. Rock meeting rock can know love better Than eyes that stare or lips that touch. All that we know in love is bitter, And it is not much.