


看我,穿着雪纺、薄纱和金属丝,从阴影里飞到聚光灯下,又飞到阴影里,没有一声低语!-萤火虫是我的名字,我是转瞬即逝的。萤火虫是你的名字。你是转瞬即逝的。但我像黑暗一样无情地跟着你,把你关在里面,把你包围起来,最后,永远,直到你消失,就像声音消失在寂静中。直到我迷失,就像一个声音迷失在沉默中…你是那个对我如此冷淡的人吗?我的火焰射入你,穿透你,超越你:你的手指怎能握住我?我难以捉摸。我的手指怎么能握住你?你难以捉摸? Yes, you are flame, but I surround and love you, Always extend beyond you, cool, eternal, To take you into my heart's great void of silence. You shut me into your heart's great void of silence. . . O sweet and soothing end for a life of whirling! Now I am still, whose life was mazed with motion. Now I sink into you, for love of sleep.