


灯光点燃的书页翻了,梦被遗忘了;音乐变了调子,你醒了,记得你以前生活过的幽深的世界,以后生活过的幽深的世界落叶复落叶,乐复乐,雨,愁,风,尘,笑。海伦迟到了,米里亚姆来得太早;约瑟死了,他的妻子和孩子都在挨饿;伊莱恩结婚了,很快就要有孩子了。你昨晚梦见招潮蟹拿着小提琴。他们演奏着嗡嗡作响的旋律,你笑了。明天好吗?怎么啦?那昨天呢?你穿过寂静的梦境迷宫,穿过许多扇门,来到唯一的一扇门。 Soon as it's opened we shall hear a music: Or see a skeleton fall. We walk with you. Where is it that you lead us ? We climbed the muffled stairs beneath high lanterns. We descend again. We grope through darkened cells. You say: 'This darkness, here, 'will slowly kill me? It creeps and weighs upon me .... is full of bells. 'This is the thing remembered I would forget: No matter where I go, how soft I tread, This windy gesture menaces me with death. 'Fatigue!' it says?and points its finger at me; Touches my throat and stops my breath. 'My fans, my jewels, the portrait of my husband, The torn certificate for my daughter's grave? These are but mortal seconds in immortal time. They brush me, fade away?like drops of water. They signify no crime. 'Let us retrace our steps: I have deceived you! Nothing is here I could not frankly tell you? No hint of guilt, or faithlessness, or threat. Dreams?they are madness; staring eyes?illusion. Let us return, hear music, and forget.'