


刺耳,刺耳,盐沙丘上的海兰草,蟋蟀看见了吗?眼睛对着港湾的月亮,锚霜和大海,灯塔的月亮?那敲钟的月亮,那在深沟渠和老骨头上回响的铜流,那流淌着鲜血和金钱的锚地月亮?前桅和主桅的月亮,仍然在港口,岛屿和烟囱的月亮,还有风从帆喉处落下,让月亮填满?海港上,古老的码头月亮,绞盘月亮,以及围绕着它的绞盘杆,旋转的曲调,印度码头,我们很快就会带你去里约?造船厂的月亮,谷物升降机的月亮,井架和龙门架,还有涡轮机在六月里像鸟儿一样在海浪下甜美地低吟?红仓库的月亮,游艇池的月亮,那里的桅杆纠缠在一起,用绳索和星星发出电报?你好,手风琴和吉他女王?船钱德勒的月亮,船靴和码头街的光芒,松节油中旋转的绳索漫步的月亮,满是银线的帆篷?和高! up spinning! skyscraper tipped on purple! skyscraper moon, and high! for the stare of people? skysign and belltower moon, moon for the steeple? bells breaking bronze, gold, down, the scattered tinkle, silver-bell moon, cornice and rooftop twinkle, Christmas and graveyard moon, the tinsel sprinkle? and dead, the stockyard moon, where blood drips down, dead longhorn and mute snout; the barrelhouse moon, moonmusic doubling, rigadoon, jigadoon? so down, and down, who will be darkened soon, red and green lights, the pallid airport moon? ah! on the flying field, the captive balloon! and cold; for the rim of night, the earth?s black arc, swings up, blots out the stars, to the last spark; while, underworld, the moon drowns dead and dark.