


月光把树梢染成银色,月光把淡紫色的墙染白,在暮色中,清晰地,仿佛穿过魔法般的海洋,脚步声在远方,在另一个世界,另一个日子。月光把紫丁香染成蓝色,月光使喷泉变白变老,榆树的枝干变绿变冷,我们的脚步在闪闪发光的石头上回响,树叶被低声的行话所震动。这是我们所守的夜,你说:这是永不消逝的月夜。穿过灰色的街道,我们的记忆还在。2雾从河上升起,模糊了星星,河又黑又冷;让我们在嘹亮的号角、铿锵的钹和鼓声中起舞;把玫瑰撒在闪闪发光的地板上,记住,当丰富的音乐打着哈欠,以奢侈的痛苦结束时,沉默是如何到来的。是的,很久以前我们彼此相爱;我们像风一样随着音乐的起伏而移动。 At a phrase from violins you closed your eyes, And smiled, and let me lead you how young we were! Your hair, upon that music, seemed to stir. Let us return there, let us return, you and I; Through changeless streets our memories retain Let us go back again. III. Mist goes up from the rain steeped earth, and clings Ghostly with lamplight among drenched maple trees. We walk in silence and see how the lamplight flings Fans of shadow upon it the music's mournful pleas Die out behind us, the door is closed at last, A net of silver silence is softly cast Over our thought slowly we walk, Quietly with delicious pause, we talk, Of foolish trivial things; of life and death, Time, and forgetfulness, and dust and truth; Lilacs and youth. You laugh, I hear the after taken breath, You darken your eyes and turn away your head At something I have said Some intuition that flew too deep, And struck a plageant chord. Tonight, tonight you will remember it as you fall asleep, Your dream will suddenly blossom with sharp delight, Goodnight! You say. The leaves of the lilac dip and sway; The purple spikes of bloom Nod their sweetness upon us, lift again, Your white face turns, I am caught with pain And silence descends, and dripping of dew from eaves, And jeweled points of leaves. IV. I walk in a pleasure of sorrow along the street And try to remember you; slow drops patter; Water upon the lilacs has made them sweet; I brush them with my sleeve, the cool drops scatter; And suddenly I laugh and stand and listen As if another had laughed a gust Rustles the leaves, the wet spikes glisten; And it seems as though it were you who had shaken the bough, And spilled the fragrance I pursue your face again, It grows more vague and lovely, it eludes me now. I remember that you are gone, and drown in pain. Something there was I said to you I recall, Something just as the music seemed to fall That made you laugh, and burns me still with pleasure. What were those words the words like dripping fire? I remember them now, and in sweet leisure Rehearse the scene, more exquisite than before, And you more beautiful, and I more wise. Lilacs and spring, and night, and your clear eyes, And you, in white, by the darkness of a door: These things, like voices weaving to richest music, Flow and fall in the cool night of my mind, I pursue your ghost among green leaves that are ghostly, I pursue you, but cannot find. And suddenly, with a pang that is sweetest of all, I become aware that I cannot remember you; The ghost I knew Has silently plunged in shadows, shadows that stream and fall. V. Let us go in and dance once more On the dream's glimmering floor, Beneath the balcony festooned with roses. Let us go in and dance once more. The door behind us closes Against an evening purple with stars and mist. Let us go in and keep our tryst With music and white roses, and spin around In swirls of sound. Do you foresee me, married and grown old? And you, who smile about you at this room, Is it foretold That you must step from tumult into gloom, Forget me, love another? No, you are Cleopatra, fiercely young, Laughing upon the topmost stair of night; Roses upon the desert must be flung; Above us, light by light, Weaves the delirious darkness, petal fall, And music breaks in waves on the pillared wall; And you are Cleopatra, and do not care. And so, in memory, you will always be Young and foolish, a thing of dream and mist; And so, perhaps when all is disillusioned, And eternal spring returns once more, Bringing a ghost of lovelier springs remem