


电影结束后,当灯光亮起时,他把她涂了粉的手放在翅膀后面;她,全身泛黄,像一朵毛茛,抬起她苍白的脸,渴望着他,紧紧地抱住他;他们无声地滑过脚灯,在熟悉的眩光中,像黑豹一样在探戈的爱的旋转中,他用白痴的目光向她谄媚。他们迅速地穿过舞台。啊,抒情的轻松!醉人的音乐跟着坚定的脚步,摇摆的手肘,交错的膝盖,随着节拍缓慢而精确地移动。她是一家餐馆的女服务员,他把她抱起来,教她跳舞。她摸着他的手臂,抬起恳求的目光,但知道他昨晚和祖多拉在一起;她知道某些变化就在她面前。耀眼的聚光灯围绕着他们,闪烁着她厚重裙子上的亮片。 He mimics wooing her, without a sound, Flatters her with a smoothly smiled caress. He fears that she will someday queer his act; Feeling his anger. He will quit her soon. He nods for faster music. He will contract Another partner, under another moon. Meanwhile, 'smooth stuff.' He lets his dry eyes flit Over the yellow faces there below; Maybe he'll cut down on his drinks a bit, Not to annoy her, and spoil the show. . . Zudora, waiting for her turn to come, Watches them from the wings and fatly leers At the girl's younger face, so white and dumb, And the fixed, anguished eyes, ready for tears. She lies beside him, with a false wedding-ring, In a cheap room, with moonlight on the floor; The moonlit curtains remind her much of spring, Of a spring evening on the Coney shore. And while he sleeps, knowing she ought to hate, She still clings to the lover that she knew,- The one that, with a pencil on a plate, Drew a heart and wrote, 'I'd die for you.'