


由岩石与岩石的相遇而生,岩石与岩石的结合,岩石相互碰撞;她就是这样被创造出来的,却又健忘,她走在海边的小路上,抬起她的左手,遮住岩石般的蓝眼睛,以便在斜光下看得更清楚,那只跪着啃草的古羊,而她的另一只手,勾着柳条柄,转动着那篮子鸡蛋。今天海水很高。鸡蛋更便宜。大海从西南吹来,迷惘的,卷起了沙泥,掀起了浪花;海浪破碎,呆滞,在棕色的泡沫中,风吹散(在羊和山楂上)浪花,?在她的双颊上,岩石般的双颊,和岩石的眼睛,颜色。她的左手从眼睛上垂下来,犹豫不决地滑过她的左乳房,细布轻轻贴在上面,抚摸着乳头,然后顺着她的凹陷的侧面,像岩石一样纯洁,痛苦地抚摸着她蓝色的臀部。正是为此,这个迟钝的外海的路径,这个愚蠢的听力的云雀,柳条挂钩,这没有观察羊跪在严酷的海草,凉爽的手阴影spray-stung眼睛吗?正是为了这个,岩石撞上了自己。今天海水涨了,鸡蛋也便宜了。岩石的眼睛注视着向海蜿蜒的小路,刺蒺藜的老妇人戴着帽子,叉着蒺藜,背对着大海,停下来,用坚硬的手抓着把手,从她的帽子里用岩石的眼睛凝视着。 It was for this, This rock-lipped facing of brown waves, half sand And half water, this tentative hand that slides Over the breast of rock, and into the hollow Soft side of muslin rock, and then fiercely Almost as rock against the hip of rock? It was for this in midnight the rocks met, And dithered together, cracking and smoking. It was for this Barren beauty, barrenness of rock that aches On the seaward path, seeing the fruitful sea, Hearing the lark of rock that sings, smelling The rock-flower of hawthorn, sweetness of rock? It was for this, stone pain in the stony heart, The rock loved and laboured; and all is lost.