


(林前3:22)无论是保罗,亚波罗,还是基法)亲爱的主,你的恩典,是我的黄金遗迹,我把我的幻想拧成破烂的韵律,在我虚弱的头脑里调音赞美你,直到我敲出我的钟声。如果我是一个明亮的天使,能借到大卫王的竖琴,我会在黄金上弹奏。当我想把我的幻想如此散漫地编织时,我的嘴被最美好的赞美缠住了,我的迷糊的思绪旋绕成窃笑的咆哮。你的恩典,我的主,是如此的荣耀,当我要它歌唱时,它使我困惑。永恒的爱是一个卑鄙的对象,被黑暗的王子欺骗了,它从这爱中跑出来,充满了怨恨,在污秽的道路上,一切都被玷污了,但必须和解,净化和美化,否则就会从上帝最初的爱的果实中消失。于是恩典,我的主,在你心中开了一个口,你柔软柔软的手去做这艰苦的工作,去到正义的乳白色宝座,缔结契约,使恩典得以溢溢。因此,你的人与我的本性相结合,并通过人的血管流血来满足。哦!恩典,恩典,恩典! This wealthy grace doth lay Her golden channels from Thy father's throne, Into our earthen pitchers to convey Heaven's aqua vitae to s for our own. O! Let Thy golden gutters run into My cup this liquor till it overflow. Thine ordinances, grace's wine-fats where Thy spirit walks, and grace's runs do lie, And angels waiting stand with holy cheer From grace's conduit head, with all supply. These vessels full of grace are, and the bowls In which their taps do run are precious souls. Thou to the cups dost say (that catch this wine) 'This liquor, golden pipes, and wine-fats plain, Whether Paul, Apollos, Cephas, all are thine.' Oh golden word! Lord, speak it o'er again. Lord, speak it home to me, say these are mine. My bells shall then Thy praises bravely chime.