


我作了一个梦,一个千变万化的梦:在我陶醉的眼前,我主的城兴起,充满爱与光明。无数竖琴奏出悦耳的乐曲;圣徒们纷纷放下他们的王冠向我们的主致敬。我的心欢蹦乱跳;生命的辛劳和痛苦已经结束;我疲惫的双脚终于找到了明亮宁静的海岸。正当我到达光明之门,准备进去的时候,从地上传来一声可怕的哀嚎,是关于悲伤和罪恶的。我转过身来,看见身后波涛汹涌,波涛汹涌;溺水的人向我伸出恳求的手。每个人的嘴唇都吓得发白,呻吟着要解脱; The music of the golden harps Grew fainter for their grief. Let me return, I quickly said, Close to the pearly gate; My work is with these wretched ones, So wrecked and desolate. An angel smiled and gently said: This is the gate of life, Wilt thou return to earth's sad scenes, Its weariness and strife, To comfort hearts that sigh and break, To dry the falling tear, Wilt thou forego the music sweet Entrancing now thy ear? I must return, I firmly said, The strugglers in that sea Shall not reach out beseeching hands In vain for help to me. I turned to go; but as I turned The gloomy sea grew bright, And from my heart there seemed to flow Ten thousand cords of light. And sin-wrecked men, with eager hands, Did grasp each golden cord; And with my heart I drew them on To see my gracious Lord. Again I stood beside the gate. My heart was glad and free; For with me stood a rescued throng The Lord had given me.