


荣誉归于女人!上帝赐予她,让她用天上的玫瑰浇灌大地!所有的祝福,她把他们的爱在他们的合唱中联系在一起,在她的美丽所隐藏的优雅的面纱里,她守护着每一个神圣的圣坛,让火焰永远燃烧!人类坚强的精神,随着每一次匆忙的冲动,都从驰骋的真理的边界,狂奔而下,奔向激情的深渊。他的心永不满足,贪恋远方,永远追逐自己的梦想,穿过许多遥远的星星!但是,有着迷人迷人的姿色的女人,用她的存在的魔力,把野逃学的孩子重新拉回她的身边——在母亲的家中,她简朴的住所,大自然赐予她最可爱的孩子的谦逊的仪态!遍体鳞伤,但凶狠的胸膛,敌人对敌人,愤怒的斗争;人,野性的人,从不休息,在混乱的生活中漫游;他所计划的,仍在追求;九头蛇的流血是徒劳的,峰顶被切断的峰顶更新——希望枯萎,希望成功。 But woman at peace with all being, reposes, And seeks from the moment to gather the roses-- Whose sweets to her culture belong. Ah! richer than he, though his soul reigneth o'er The mighty dominion of genius and lore, And the infinite circle of song. Strong, and proud, and self-depending, Man's cold bosom beats alone; Heart with heart divinely blending, In the love that gods have known, Soul's sweet interchange of feeling, Melting tears--he never knows, Each hard sense the hard one steeling, Arms against a world of foes. Alive, as the wind-harp, how lightly soever If wooed by the zephyr, to music will quiver, Is woman to hope and to fear; All, tender one! still at the shadow of grieving, How quiver the chords--how thy bosom is heaving-- How trembles thy glance through the tear! Man's dominion, war and labor; Might to right the statue gave; Laws are in the Scythian's sabre; Where the Mede reigned--see the slave! Peace and meekness grimly routing, Prowls the war-lust, rude and wild; Eris rages, hoarsely shouting, Where the vanished graces smiled. But woman, the soft one, persuasively prayeth-- Of the life that she charmeth, the sceptre she swayeth; She lulls, as she looks from above, The discord whose bell for its victims is gaping, And blending awhile the forever escaping, Whispers hate to the image of love!