


看啊,轻盈的舞者们,像最轻的波浪在嬉戏;几乎感觉不到地板上那双和谐的脚的翅膀。噢,他们是从原始形态中挣脱出来的飞影吗?还是夏日月光下的仙环里的幽灵?,温和的西风吹,轻雾在空气中逃离,小艇,脱脂向下,当银波是公平的,所以体育温顺的脚步的升沉甜蜜的测量,作为其悠扬的音乐形式发出的信息在空中快乐,现在突破织链的纠缠跳舞,从排名最厚的地方媒体,一双大胆前进,他们留下的路径损失——开放的道路,展开或关闭的魔杖。现在看,他们消失在狂乱的混乱中;一切,在甜蜜的混沌中再次旋转,那温柔的世界结束了!不!——解了结,乱成一团——这里唯一的统治体系,一种永不改变的优雅。因为一切毁灭——一切新生,都在那美丽的创造物上旋转; And yet one peaceful law can still pervade in each mutation. And what can to the reeling maze breathe harmony and vigor, And give an order and repose to every gliding figure? That each a ruler to himself doth but himself obey, Yet through the hurrying course still keeps his own appointed way. What, would'st thou know? It is in truth the mighty power of tune, A power that every step obeys, as tides obey the moon; That threadeth with a golden clue the intricate employment, Curbs bounding strength to tranquil grace, and tames the wild enjoyment. And comes the world's wide harmony in vain upon thine ears? The stream of music borne aloft from yonder choral spheres? And feel'st thou not the measure which eternal Nature keeps? The whirling dance forever held in yonder azure deeps? The suns that wheel in varying maze?--That music thou discernest? No! Thou canst honor that in sport which thou forgettest in earnest.