


空气中弥漫着清晨清新的微风,从灌木丛中窥见紫红色而明亮的阳光,它们从黑暗摇曳的树缝中闪烁,云峰笼罩的山峦被阳光染成金色。云雀醒来时,带着欢快、悠扬、迷人的紧张心情,向快乐的太阳致敬,太阳再次在奥罗拉的怀抱里发光,它幸福地微笑着,开始奔跑。万岁,白昼之光!你那甘甜的阳光,把它柔美的温暖洒在牧场和田野上;草地上点缀着银色的镶边,露珠里透出无数的太阳。年轻的大自然入侵低语的阴影,显示每一个迷人的魅力;和风吹来,吻着玫瑰,平原散发着芬芳。从你的城市,烟云升得多高啊!它们的嘶鸣、鼻息和怒吼混合了马和牛;车轮辚辚,他们疯狂地奔下山谷; And even the forest where life seems to move, The eagle, and falcon, and hawk soar above, And flutter their pinions, in heaven's bright ray. In search of repose From my heart-rending woes, Oh, where shall my sad spirit flee? The earth's smiling face, With its sweet youthful grace, A tomb must, alas, be for me! Arise, then, thou sunlight of morning, and fling O'er plain and o'er forest thy purple-dyed beams! Thou twilight of evening, all noiselessly sing In melody soft to the world as it dreams! Ah, sunlight of morning, to me thou but flingest Thy purple-dyed beams o'er the grave of the past! Ah, twilight of evening, thy strains thou but singest To one whose deep slumbers forever must last!