


那么,背信弃义的人,你会离开我,带着你所有的幻想,带着所有使我快乐或悲伤的思想,你会永远飞走吗?什么也不能耽误你前进的步伐,你这生命的青春梦的黄金时光?白费了!永恒的汪洋,不停地淹没你那滚滚的溪流。我青春迷人的灿烂太阳,已经落在永无尽头的黑夜里;那些使我心中充满疯狂喜悦的美好理想,如今已不复存在。我梦所生的灭没了。我的信心灭没了。我曾经珍惜的神一般的希望,现在成了现实悲哀的猎物。就像皮格马利翁曾经深情地拥抱他塑造的雕像,直到那冰冷的大理石脸颊燃烧起来,生命传遍了每一个肢体,我也一样,用青春的激情燃烧起来,我热切的双臂环绕着大自然,紧紧地贴在我的胸前,她也开始呼吸,点燃了。我所有炽热的热情,虽然无言,她很快就能说出她的故事,回报我给她的每一个爱的吻,我的心的悸动读得很好。 Then living seemed each tree, each flower, Then sweetly sang the waterfall, And e'en the soulless in that hour Shared in the heavenly bliss of all. For then a circling world was bursting My bosom's narrow prison-cell, To enter into being thirsting, In deed, word, shape, and sound as well. This world, how wondrous great I deemed it, Ere yet its blossoms could unfold! When open, oh, how little seemed it! That little, oh, how mean and cold! How happy, winged by courage daring, The youth life's mazy path first pressed-- No care his manly strength impairing, And in his dream's sweet vision blest! The dimmest star in air's dominion Seemed not too distant for his flight; His young and ever-eager pinion Soared far beyond all mortal sight. Thus joyously toward heaven ascending, Was aught for his bright hopes too far? The airy guides his steps attending, How danced they round life's radiant car! Soft love was there, her guerdon bearing, And fortune, with her crown of gold, And fame, her starry chaplet wearing, And truth, in majesty untold. But while the goal was yet before them, The faithless guides began to stray; Impatience of their task came o'er them, Then one by one they dropped away. Light-footed Fortune first retreating, Then Wisdom's thirst remained unstilled, While heavy storms of doubt were beating Upon the path truth's radiance filled. I saw Fame's sacred wreath adorning The brows of an unworthy crew; And, ah! how soon Love's happy morning, When spring had vanished, vanished too! More silent yet, and yet more weary, Became the desert path I trod; And even hope a glimmer dreary Scarce cast upon the gloomy road. Of all that train, so bright with gladness, Oh, who is faithful to the end? Who now will seek to cheer my sadness, And to the grave my steps attend? Thou, Friendship, of all guides the fairest, Who gently healest every wound; Who all life's heavy burdens sharest, Thou, whom I early sought and found! Employment too, thy loving neighbor, Who quells the bosom's rising storms; Who ne'er grows weary of her labor, And ne'er destroys, though slow she forms; Who, though but grains of sand she places To swell eternity sublime, Yet minutes, days, ay! years effaces From the dread reckoning kept by Time!