


向你致敬,亲爱的山,你那染成紫红色的山顶!也向你致敬,美丽的太阳,你如此慈爱地注视着我!我也向你致敬,你笑得很朴素,你的菩提树在喃喃低语,啊,那合唱是那么欢快,偎依在那边高高的树枝上;你也一样,天蓝恬静,无限伸展,环绕着那灰蒙蒙的山岭,越过那翠绿的森林——环绕着我,我现在正从我的卧房里逃出来,从虚浮的闲谈中逃出来,高兴地向你寻求庇护。你那芬芳的微风,从我身上流过,使我轻快起来,而那充满活力的阳光,使我干渴的目光清新起来。鲜艳的草地上,变幻的色彩闪闪发光,但那充满魅力的争竞,在它自己的优雅中,自由地融化了。平原接待了我,——用地毯远远伸展,小路在它友好的绿色上徘徊。蜜蜂在我周围嗡嗡地忙碌着,蝴蝶在三叶草的红花上欢快地盘旋,羽翼不定。太阳的飞镖猛烈地落在我身上,——西风沉默了,只有云雀的歌声在晴朗的空气中回响。这时,从附近的小树林里传来一声怒吼,桤木的树梢低垂下来——银色的草在风中翩翩起舞;黑夜把我团团围住; in the coolness so fragrant Greets me a beauteous roof, formed by the beeches' sweet shade. In the depths of the wood the landscape suddenly leaves me And a serpentine path guides up my footsteps on high. Only by stealth can the light through the leafy trellis of branches Sparingly pierce, and the blue smilingly peeps through the boughs, But in a moment the veil is rent, and the opening forest Suddenly gives back the day's glittering brightness to me! Boundlessly seems the distance before my gaze to be stretching, And in a purple-tinged hill terminates sweetly the world. Deep at the foot of the mountain, that under me falls away steeply, Wanders the greenish-hued stream, looking like glass as it flows. Endlessly under me see I the ether, and endlessly o'er Giddily look I above, shudderingly look I below, But between the infinite height and the infinite hollow Safely the wanderer moves over a well-guarded path. Smilingly past me are flying the banks all teeming with riches, And the valley so bright boasts of its industry glad. See how yonder hedgerows that sever the farmer's possessions Have by Demeter been worked into the tapestried plain! Kindly decree of the law, of the Deity mortal-sustaining, Since from the brazen world love vanished forever away. But in freer windings the measured pastures are traversed (Now swallowed up in the wood, now climbing up to the hills) By a glimmering streak, the highway that knits lands together; Over the smooth-flowing stream, quietly glide on the rafts. Ofttimes resound the bells of the flocks in the fields that seem living, And the shepherd's lone song wakens the echo again. Joyous villages crown the stream, in the copse others vanish, While from the back of the mount, others plunge wildly below. Man still lives with the land in neighborly friendship united, And round his sheltering roof calmly repose still his fields; Trustingly climbs the vine high over the low-reaching window, While round the cottage the tree circles its far-stretching boughs. Happy race of the plain! Not yet awakened to freedom, Thou and thy pastures with joy share in the limited law; Bounded thy wishes all are by the harvest's peaceable circuit, And thy lifetime is spent e'en as the task of the day! But what suddenly hides the beauteous view? A strange spirit Over the still-stranger plain spreads itself quickly afar-- Coyly separates now, what scarce had lovingly mingled, And 'tis the like that alone joins itself on to the like. Orders I see depicted; the haughty tribes of the poplars Marshalled in regular pomp, stately and beauteous appear. All gives token of rule and choice, and all has its meaning,-- 'Tis this uniform plan points out the Ruler to me. Brightly the glittering domes in far-away distance proclaim him. Out of the kernel of rocks rises the city's high wall. Into the desert without, the fauns of the forest are driven, But by devotion is lent life more sublime to the stone. Man is brought into nearer union with man, and around him Closer, more actively wakes, swifter moves in him the world. See! the emulous forces in fiery conflict are kindled, Much, they effect when they strive, more they effect when they join. Thousands of hands by one spirit are moved, yet in thousands of bosoms Beats one heart all alone, by but one feeling inspired-- Beats for their native land, and glows for their ancestors' precepts; Here on the well-beloved spot, rest now