


嘘,亲爱的,静静地躺着,睡吧;圣天使守护着你的床;天上无数的祝福轻轻地落在你的头上。睡吧,我的宝贝,你的衣食,你的房子和家,你的朋友提供;不用你照顾,不用你支付,你的需要都得到了满足。神的儿子从天上降下来,成为像你一样的孩子,你所照顾的比他所能照顾的好得多!你的摇篮柔软安逸;你的救主躺得又粗又硬,他的出生地是马厩,他最柔软的床是干草。看看他周围善良的牧羊人,讲述着天上的奇迹!他们寻找他的时候、就在那里遇见他、他童贞的母亲也在旁边。 See the lovely babe a-dressing; Lovely infant, how He smiled! When He wept, the mother's blessing Soothed and hushed the holy child. Lo, He slumbers in His manger, Where the honest oxen fed; --Peace, my darling! here's no danger! Here's no ox a-near thy bed! Mayst thou live to know and fear Him, Trust and love Him all thy days; Then go dwell forever near Him, See His face, and sing His praise! I could give thee thousand kisses, Hoping what I most desire; Not a mother's fondest wishes Can to greater joys aspire.