


一首献给被杀羔羊的新歌。启五6-12看羔羊在他父宝座中的荣耀;要为他的名预备新的荣耀、为他预备未曾听见的歌。长老要在他脚前敬拜,教会要在他四围敬拜,拿着盛满香气的瓶,拿着琴声更甜的琴。那些是圣徒的祈祷,这些是他们唱的赞美诗,耶稣对我们的抱怨很仁慈,他喜欢听我们的赞美。永在的父啊,谁能窥见你隐秘的旨意呢?除子以外,谁能拿那书卷,开诸海呢?你的大律例,他必成全。这是儿子所当得的。他手里握着天堂、死亡和地狱的至高无上的钥匙!现在,愿上帝赐予曾经被杀的羔羊无尽的祝福; Salvation, glory, joy, remain For ever on thy head. Thou hast redeemed our souls with blood, Hast set the pris'ners free; Hast made us kings and priests to God, And we shall reign with thee. The worlds of nature and of grace Are put beneath thy power; Then shorten these delaying days, And bring the promised hour.