


人的堕落与复兴;或者,基督与撒但为敌。将军3:1,15日17;加四4;上校2:15。亚当,我们的头,我们的父,被地狱微妙的网罗所欺骗,堕落了;当撒旦藏在蛇里,提出上帝禁止的果子。死亡是威胁:死亡开始占据这个人,他未出生的种族受到了伤害,沉重的诅咒击打着地面。但撒但找到了更坏的奖赏;耶和华的报仇如此说:“愿妇人的后裔和你之间永恨。” "The woman's seed shall be my Son; He shall destroy what thou hast done; Shall break thy head, and only feel Thy malice raging at his heel." He spake; and bid four thousand years Roll on; at length his Son appears; Angels with joy descend to earth, And sing the young Redeemer's birth. Lo, by the sons of hell he dies; But as he hung 'twixt earth and skies, He gave their prince a fatal blow, And triumphed o'er the powers below.]