


基督和亚伦。来,7;9.耶稣,我们的眼睛在你身上看到一千多的荣耀,比亚伦的子孙所戴的宝石和抛光的金子还要多。他们先献上自己的燔祭、为要洗净自己的罪。你的生命纯洁无瑕,你的本性纯洁无瑕。又有新鲜的血洒在他们的坛上。但你一献,就永远除掉我们一切的罪孽。他们的祭司之职经手数人,因为他们的族类必死无疑;你永不改变的职分和你的日子一样永恒。] [Once in the circuit of a year, With blood, but not his own, Aaron within the veil appears Before the golden throne: But Christ, by his own powerful blood, Ascends above the skies, And in the presence of our God Shows his own sacrifice.] Jesus, the King of glory, reigns On Zion's heav'nly hill; Looks like a lamb that has been slain, And wears his priesthood still. He ever lives to intercede Before his Father's face: Give him, my soul, thy cause to plead, Nor doubt the Father's grace.