


“是的——在内心深处,更深处藏着良心的刺痛,快让肿胀的眼睛忘记藏在心里的泪水。声音要平静,面貌要大胆,嘴唇和额头上没有一丝战栗,因为为什么要把罪恶的灵魂所承受的痛苦告诉无辜的人呢?“爱的眼睛紧紧地注视着你,就像空气把你包裹起来——为什么它会在你的悲伤中憔悴,因为它从来没有发现过你的罪恶?”为什么让外邦人看见你奴役了什么黑暗的枷锁,并且嘲弄地说:“看哪,这就是拥有不能拯救的神的人?”哀悼者那颗任性的心就这样引诱他隐藏自己的悲伤,然后死去,他太软弱,无法忏悔,太骄傲,无法忍受同情的目光;在这黑暗的时刻,落在等待我们叹息的胸脯上,温柔地低语,是多么甜蜜啊!他们爱我们——上帝不会宽恕我们吗?否则,就让我们守住内心的斋戒,直到天堂和我们单独在一起,让悲伤、羞耻和罪恶,在慈悲的宝座被扔出去之前。在门廊和祭坛之间哭泣,不配在最神圣的地方,却希望在神龛附近保持一间卑微的牢房,以看到恩典。也不要怕失去同情——你可曾见过,在阴沉的黑夜里,当痛苦的思绪在心头涌动,闪烁的星星轮流出现,从天上永恒的居所悄悄传来怜悯的消息? So Angels pause on tasks of love, To look where sorrowing sinners kneel. Or if no Angel pass that way, He who in secret sees, perchance May bid His own heart-warming ray Toward thee stream with kindlier glance, As when upon His drooping head His Father's light was poured from Heaven, What time, unsheltered and unfed, Far in the wild His steps were driven. High thoughts were with Him in that hour, Untold, unspeakable on earth - And who can stay the soaring power Of spirits weaned from worldly mirth, While far beyond the sound of praise With upward eye they float serene, And learn to bear their Saviour's blaze When Judgment shall undraw the screen?