


现在,地上和天上都庄严地暂停了;征服者挣脱了束缚,天使们纳闷他为什么还呆在下面;然而人类还没有吸取教训,应该怎样报答无尽的爱。寂静深沉,犹如夏日的正午,一场轻柔的细雨即将降临,一场亲切的雨,使疲惫的凉亭焕然一新的——啊,远方传来了鸟儿清脆的歌声。所以,让你斑鸠的哀鸣,在疑惑和恐惧中响起,穿过黑暗的天空,主啊,让你那封闭的耳朵穿透,在那里,她在屋顶上,整夜颤颤地唱着她那寡居的、断断续续的歌。教她懂得并热爱她的祈祷时刻,当信仰越来越稀少时,永远打开她的心扉,用更圣洁的爱和更谦卑的誓言来奉献她全部的积蓄,就像丧偶归来的配偶一样。她现在必须躺在山上,哭得更厉害了,直到你的爱赢得了你的爱,去抹去她那叛逆的种族的悲惨的记录,怜悯儿子的母亲。但最主要的(因为她知道你被亵渎和诅咒的圣物激怒得最严重),主要是为了亚伦的后裔,她展开翅膀,即使她能从你身上摘下和解之树的一片叶子。当圣水治病时,用什么来治病呢?如果亚伦的手不缩不缩地铸成一个偶像,谁能引导你的罪恶的爱人走过旷野?因此,她的眼泪是苦涩的,她的叹息是深沉的,就像男人们熟睡时,伤心的母亲们,在那醒着的躺下,沉思着某个可爱的孩子,漫游在青春的不确定的荒野里。 Therefore on fearful dreams her inward sight Is fain to dwell - What lurid light Shall the last darkness of the world dispel, The Mediator in His wrath Descending down the lightning's path. Yet, yet awhile, offended Saviour, pause, In act to break Thine outraged laws, O spare Thy rebels for Thine own dear sake; Withdraw Thine hand, nor dash to earth The covenant of our second birth. 'Tis forfeit like the first--we own it all - Yet for love's sake Let it not fall; But at Thy touch let veiled hearts awake, That nearest to Thine altar lie, Yet least of holy things descry. Teacher of teachers! Priest of priests! from Thee The sweet strong prayer Must rise, to free First Levi, then all Israel, from the snare. Thou art our Moses out of sight - Speak for us, or we perish quite.