


啊,仁慈的上帝,大能的上帝,如果你的力量在这里,你的荣耀在这里显现,苍白的罪人该如何忍受?因为现在你的子民可以爬上高山,穿透云雾,信心可以用西奈从未知道的奇事满足她的渴望。刚从赎罪祭中出来,世界的创造者流血了。那个使他流血的敌人,也许会拿他当每日的食粮。啊,当罪人第一次如此接近被带来时,动摇思想的痛苦!“这是我的造物主——我敢留下来吗?”我的救世主——我敢拒绝吗?”因此,当暴风雨在对基督的爱和对罪恶的恐惧之间肆虐时,谁能表达那抚慰的魅力,去感受你慈祥的臂膀,我的母亲教会?听你讲述一个失去了的世界,却被爱得如此之深,以致天使们赖以生存的上帝,愿意为她献出他的独生子?我们还怀疑吗? Thou call'st again; A lower still, a sweeter strain; A voice from Mercy's inmost shrine, This very breath of Love divine. Whispering it says to each apart, "Come unto Me, thou trembling heart;" And we must hope, so sweet the tone, The precious words are all our own. Hear them, kind Saviour--hear Thy Spouse Low at Thy feet renew her vows; Thine own dear promise she would plead For us her true though fallen seed. She pleads by all Thy mercies, told Thy chosen witnesses of old, Love's heralds sent to man forgiven, One from the Cross, and one from Heaven. This, of true penitents the chief, To the lost spirit brings relief, Lifting on high th' adored Name:- "Sinners to save, Christ, Jesus came." That, dearest of Thy bosom Friends, Into the wavering heart descends:- "What? fallen again? yet cheerful rise. Thine Intercessor never dies." The eye of Faith, that waxes bright Each moment by thine altar's light, Sees them e'en now: they still abide In mystery kneeling at our side: And with them every spirit blest, From realms of triumph or of rest, From Him who saw creation's morn, Of all Thine angels eldest born, To the poor babe, who died to-day, Take part in our thanksgiving lay, Watching the tearful joy and calm, While sinners taste Thine heavenly balm. Sweet awful hour! the only sound One gentle footstep gliding round, Offering by turns on Jesus' part The Cross to every hand and heart. Refresh us, Lord, to hold it fast; And when Thy veil is drawn at last, Let us depart where shadows cease, With words of blessing and of peace.