


当迫害的烈焰吞没了毫不退缩的烈士的头颅;当世上所有的鲜花和海湾都凋谢,当夏天的朋友都离去而去,在这黑暗的时刻,拥有爱和力量的主是孤独的吗?他的额头上没有波浪,没有人的手臂可以挥舞,充满了天使不知道的咒语,他的脚步可以引导,他的灵魂可以保护?你,救主,是他的灵亭,他的魔戒,他的磐石,他的高塔。当恶人看见你的宠儿在你的光明中行走,仿佛在幻想中得意洋洋,以为他们迷失在死寂的黑夜里,他们惊奇地叫道:“这是什么魔咒,能把他们的痛苦化为幸福?”“那些被我们绑起来的人,现在怎么释放了?”我们把正直的人扔在海中。他们找到了什么奇妙的帮手来保护他们不受烈日的炙烤?原来是三个,谁使他们变成四个呢?当然,他穿着一件神圣的衣服,“他就像上帝的儿子。” So cried The Tyrant, when in one fierce flame The Martyrs lived, the murderers died: Yet knew he not what angel came To make the rushing fire-flood seem Like summer breeze by woodland stream. He knew not, but there are who know: The Matron, who alone hath stood, When not a prop seemed left below, The first lorn hour of widowhood, Yet cheered and cheering all, the while, With sad but unaffected smile; - The Father, who his vigil keeps By the sad couch whence hope hath flown, Watching the eye where reason sleeps, Yet in his heart can mercy own, Still sweetly yielding to the rod, Still loving man, still thanking GOD; - The Christian Pastor, bowed to earth With thankless toil, and vile esteemed, Still travailing in second birth Of souls that will not be redeemed: Yet stedfast set to do his part, And fearing most his own vain heart; - These know: on these look long and well, Cleansing thy sight by prayer and faith, And thou shalt know what secret spell Preserves them in their living death: Through sevenfold flames thine eye shall see The Saviour walking with His faithful Three.