


直到寒风停止,直到波光粼粼的小溪自由奔涌,直到夏日的狂风从天空柔和地扫过,像母亲的吻拂过熟睡婴儿的眼睛;没有这样的呼唤,没有阳光唤醒树木,柔嫩的小花也不敢向那不确定的光辉袒露胸脯。那么,为什么在悲伤和寒冷的时候,她的天空被怀疑和罪恶笼罩,为什么教会抬起她低垂的头,仿佛她的邪恶时刻已经过去?难道她不如春天的树叶聪明,不如折叠翅膀的鸟儿聪明吗?在这低垂的天空中,她看见了什么东西来吸引她沉思的眼睛?她有一种魅力,一种炽热的话语,一种永不疲倦的爱的誓言;暴风雨,地震,战争,巨浪和陨星,她的主预言的每一个征兆,她看到世界在变老,通过最后和最可怕的风暴,她用信心描绘出她救主的形象。每一颗镶嵌在无花果树光润的枝干上的温柔的宝石,并不比你有力的手的这些可怕的记号更能预示平淡的夏天;可是,啊,脆弱的心灵和阴暗的精神!我们注意到季节毫无征兆地飞逝,却错过了门后的审判者,尽管他有神圣的爱之光;在我们的屋檐下,他清醒的耳朵接收每一个声音:安静,闲言碎语,和邪恶的思想,你的主在听;平安,安静。 Christ watches by a Christian's hearth, Be silent, "vain deluding mirth," Till in thine alter'd voice be known Somewhat of Resignation's tone. But chiefly ye should lift your gaze Above the world's uncertain haze, And look with calm unwavering eye On the bright fields beyond the sky, Ye, who your Lord's commission bear His way of mercy to prepare: Angels He calls ye: be your strife To lead on earth an Angel's life. Think not of rest; though dreams be sweet, Start up, and ply your heavenward feet. Is not God's oath upon your head, Ne'er to sink back on slothful bed, Never again your loans untie, Nor let your torches waste and die, Till, when the shadows thickest fall, Ye hear your Master's midnight call?