


人类的敌人!你跑得太冒失了,你跑得太冒失了,你自己的可怕的工作,你一定会搞砸的。今天早晨,我们看见进来的不过是一小滴罪恶,瞧!黄昏时分,世界被淹没了。你看,这是流浪的目光的果实,是世俗对智慧的渴望的果实,是沉溺于禁果的激情的果实:你这无法无天的目光,自由漫游;下面是毁灭,上面是愤怒,这就是现在狂野的幻想所遇到的一切。主啊,在幽深的花园林间,我害怕你,害怕我自己。我躲在树丛中,不去想这些事,这时我似乎听到了法官的呼唤:“你在哪里,堕落的人?”出来吧,接受考验。”我站在你面前颤抖着,无论我凝视着你的双手,判决已经发出,大地都是被诅咒的;然而,在刑罚的阵雨中,每一个凉亭里都有几滴香油,像四月的露珠一样悄悄落下,最柔软,最先落下。如果孝顺和母爱必须证明我们的罪过,如果罪恶的婴儿必须在悲伤中出生,然而,为了减轻她最剧烈的痛苦,忠实的母亲肯定知道,这是你拯救世界的方法。 If blessed wedlock may not bless Without some tinge of bitterness To dash her cup of joy, since Eden lost, Chaining to earth with strong desire Hearts that would highest else aspire, And o'er the tenderer sex usurping ever most; Yet by the light of Christian lore 'Tis blind Idolatry no more, But a sweet help and pattern of true love, Showing how best the soul may cling To her immortal Spouse and King, How He should rule, and she with full desire approve. If niggard Earth her treasures hide, To all but labouring hands denied, Lavish of thorns and worthless weeds alone, The doom is half in mercy given, To train us in our way to Heaven, And show our lagging souls how glory must be won. If on the sinner's outward frame God hath impressed His mark of blame, And e'en our bodies shrink at touch of light, Yet mercy hath not left us bare: The very weeds we daily wear Are to Faith's eye a pledge of God's forgiving might. And oh! if yet one arrow more, The sharpest of the Almighty's store, Tremble upon the string--a sinner's death - Art Thou not by to soothe and save, To lay us gently in the grave, To close the weary eye and hush the parting breath? Therefore in sight of man bereft The happy garden still was left; The fiery sword that guarded, showed it too; Turning all ways, the world to teach, That though as yet beyond our reach, Still in its place the tree of life and glory grew.