


当良心的苦思生起,与罪人一起在清晨醒来,当我们从不安的榻上起身,嘴唇发烧,心枯萎,哪里有咒语能驱散那些迷雾,在那黑暗的日子里创造新的早晨?一股春天清新的空气,一个坚定的想法,上帝就在那里。时间和思想的主宰啊,这些都是你每时每刻创造的奇迹,随心所欲地提升和降低灵魂,把一个美好或邪恶的世界挤进一时的幻影;就像阳光爬上多云的山脊,一切都是明亮的,从西到东一道令人兴奋的光线,把冬天的世界变成了五月。你愿意减轻罪恶感的痛苦吗?瞧!这是打开的一页,在那里,天上的慈悲像自由的光辉,写在香脂里,悲伤的心,为你而写。从来没有这么快,在寂静的四月阵雨中,干涸的、光秃秃的凉亭被染成绿色,以色列的加冕哀悼者感到他体内坚硬的石头融化了。赦免者看到了巨大的悲痛,急忙松了一口气;-“上帝宽恕; thou shalt not die:" 'Twas gently spoke, yet heard on high, And all the band of angels, used to sing In heaven, accordant to his raptured string, Who many a month had turned away With veiled eyes, nor owned his lay, Now spread their wings, and throng around To the glad mournful sound, And welcome, with bright open face, The broken heart to love's embrace. The rock is smitten, and to future years Springs ever fresh the tide of holy tears And holy music, whispering peace Till time and sin together cease. There drink: and when ye are at rest, With that free Spirit blest, Who to the contrite can dispense, The princely heart of innocence, If ever, floating from faint earthly lyre, Was wafted to your soul one high desire, By all the trembling hope ye feel, Think on the minstrel as ye kneel: Think on the shame, that dreadful hour When tears shall have no power, Should his own lay th' accuser prove, Cold while he kindled others' love: And let your prayer for charity arise, That his own heart may hear his melodies, And a true voice to him may cry, "Thy GOD forgives--thou shalt not die."