


"我神的圣山啊,"你的塔何竟成了废墟,"你何竟被撕裂散落,"在狂风暴雨的天空之下"就这样,在他斋戒的日子里,“爱的人”心甘情愿地祈祷着,他的窗棂迎着西风敞开着,哀悼着他仍然思念的幻想中所看到的家。为了像丹尼尔这样的爱?现在,要飞向天堂,除了向上帝强烈祈祷吗?新以色列虽低微、却荣美、像锡安高傲的时候、有王后作她的使女、有君王作她的养父、高高坐在宝座上。D与世界?太诱人了。的确,冬天和炎热的夏天都阻碍不了你的成长。S病态的微笑;南方闪光的巨浪,并没有冲击这么孤独的一个小岛,而你,富饶的葡萄树,却嫁接在那里,结出死亡或生命的果实,每天向你全能的造物主和他坚定的道路,提供更可靠的见证。啊,想想就很难过,你最健康的上帝会被苦涩的葡萄包围?如果你的先驱是一个无情的奴隶,他会是谁?D,我宁愿沉默!这就是我们所看到的这个糟糕的世界,自责吗?d in owning Thee, Yet dares not open farewell of Thee take, For very pride, and her high-boasted Reason?s sake. What do we the? if far and wide Men kneel to CHRIST, the pure and meek, Yet rage with passion, swell with pride, Have we not sill our faith to seek? Nay?but in stedfast humbleness Kneel on to Him, who loves to bless The prayer that waits for Him; and trembling strive To keep the lingering flame in thine own breast alive Dark frown?d the future even on him, The loving and beloved Seer, What time he saw, through shadows dim, The boundary of th? eternal year; He only of the sons of men Nam?d to be heir of glory then. Else had it bruis?d too sore his tender heart To see GOD?S ransom?d world in wrath and flame depart. Then look no more: or closer watch Thy course in Earth?s bewildering ways, For every glimpse thine eye can catch Of what shall be in those dread days: So when th?Archangel?s word is spoken, And Death?s deep trance for ever broken, In mercy thou may?st feel the heavenly hand, And in thy lot unharm?d before thy Saviour stand.