


里奥俯下身,盯着一张备忘录,斯图尔特站在他旁边笑着说:“里奥,今天杨斯敦针线店的订单来了!”C. Loth公司,你来了就像Balboa一样1940年在俄亥俄州的辛辛那提市征服了那些想买办公家具或酒吧设备的人!秘书们用古董打字机敲出发票?指形写真和咬指甲者。我正坐在桌子上看着我的爸爸他为他的小宝贝感到骄傲但又不确定。当我父亲躺在黑暗的硬木地板上被俄亥俄州的几缕阳光照射时,我将继续探索深奥和/或荒谬的主题。肯尼,他说,总有一天你会在店里工作。但我觉得"永远不会再有"或"永远不会再有"哈佛很遥远,二战很遥远,精神分析非常昂贵,所有这些都把我从你身边救了出来。C.虽然你使我父亲高兴,但我看到他容光焕发,他笑得很开心,在你身上工作。他对里特小姐说:“里特,这是我的儿子,肯尼!“你好,肯尼,”她说我的心在骚动我爱你,但不能想和你在一起我现在看到了美德这可能来自于你一种平衡感妥协和接受? Not isolated moments of brilliance Like a girl without a shoe, But someone that you Care for every day? Need for customers and the economy Don't go away. There were little pamphlets Distributed in you About success in business Each about eight to twelve pages long One whole series of them All ended with the words 'P.S. He got the job' One a story about a boy who said, 'I swept up the street, Sir, Before you got up.' Or 'There were five hundred extra catalogues So I took them to people in the city who have a dog'? P.S. He got the job. I didn't get the job I didn't think that I could do the job I thought I might go crazy in the job Staying in you You whom I could love But not be part of The secretaries clicked Their Smith Coronas closed at five p.m. And took the streetcars to Kentucky then And I left too.