


小鸟们小心翼翼地吃着饭,躲在长满青苔的牢房里;我说,被侍者们藏起来了——我有一个故事要讲。小鸟们用果酱喂法官,用卷毛火腿喂法官;我说,用牡蛎喂法官——这就是我。小鸟教虎妞微笑,天真的狡诈:微笑,我说,不是笑——嘴是半圆形的,那才是正确的风格!小鸟们都在木瓶间睡觉,输的人赢的地方:我说,他在哪里打喷嚏,什么时候,怎么打都可以——故事就这样开始了。小鸟正在写有趣的书,供厨师们阅读:我说,读书,不要烤——凸版印刷,当烤过的时候,失去了它的美丽。小鸟在岸边吹风笛,游客们在那里打呼噜:“谢谢!”他们喊道。“这激动人心的!拿着,拿着这先令!我们不要再吃了!”小鸟正在给鳄鱼沐浴奶油,就像一个幸福的梦:像,但不那么持久——鳄鱼,当禁食时,不是他们看起来的那样! Little Birds are choking Baronets with bun, Taught to fire a gun: Taught, I say, to splinter Salmon in the winter - Merely for the fun. Little Birds are hiding Crimes in carpet-bags, Blessed by happy stags: Blessed, I say, though beaten - Since our friends are eaten When the memory flags. Little Birds are tasting Gratitude and gold, Pale with sudden cold: Pale, I say, and wrinkled - When the bells have tinkled, And the Tale is told.