


为什么,皮戈,抱怨这个姑娘的轻蔑,为什么你这样绝望地烦恼?你可以试上几个月,但是,相信我,一声叹息永远换不来一个妖艳女郎。你会教她去爱吗?一时似乎在漫游;一开始,她可能会因为生气而皱眉;但离开她一会儿,她很快就会微笑,然后你可以亲吻你的妖艳女郎。因为这些幻想集市的气氛就是这样,他们认为我们对他们的敬意是欠他们的债;然而,一点疏忽很快就会起作用,使最高傲的妖艳女郎也变得卑微。掩饰你的痛苦,拉长你的锁链,让她的傲慢显得后悔;如果你再次叹息,她也不会再否认,你是玫瑰色的妖艳女郎。如果她仍然出于虚伪的骄傲,嘲笑你的痛苦,这个异想天开的处女忘记了; Some other adiaiire, who will melt with your fire, And laugh at the little coquette. For me I adore some twenty or more, And love them most dearly but yet Though my heart they enthral, I'd abandon them all, Did they act like your blooming coquette. No longer repine, adopt this design, And break through her slight-woven net; Away with despair, no longer forbear To fly from the captious coquette. Then quit her, my friend your bosom defend, Ere quite with her snares you're beset; Lest your deep-wounded heart, when incensed by the smart, Should lead you to curse the coquette.