


女人的构造:女人不是由骨头和肌肉组成的,肚子和乳房,手肘,肝脏和脚趾。她就像一辆运动型轿车。她每十年都要重新装备、改装和设计一次。塞西尔在大学里就很有魅力。她像条缎面鳗鱼一样扭动着穿过栅栏,她的臀部和屁股充满了希望,她的嘴巴撅起了暗红色的口红。她在1968年来访时还穿着紧身裙,涂着深红色的口红,而我则穿着迷你裙在曼哈顿跳舞,口红像杏奶一样苍白,头发像马的鬃毛一样蓬松。噢,天哪,我当时高高在上地想,可怜的塞西尔到底出了什么事?她落伍了,落伍了,失去了资格,遭到了蔑视,被逐出了欲望俱乐部。看看18世纪法国时尚杂志上的图片:一个由丝绸和紧身胸衣编织而成的终极女性幻想的世纪。panier将臀部向外伸出三英尺,腰被捏紧,腹部被压平。 The breasts are stuffed up and out offered like apples in a bowl. The tiny foot is encased in a slipper never meant for walking. On top is a grandiose headache: hair like a museum piece, daily ornamented with ribbons, vases, grottoes, mountains, frigates in full sail, balloons, baboons, the fancy of a hairdresser turned loose. The hats were rococo wedding cakes that would dim the Las Vegas strip. Here is a woman forced into shape rigid exoskeleton torturing flesh: a woman made of pain. How superior we are now: see the modern woman thin as a blade of scissors. She runs on a treadmill every morning, fits herself into machines of weights and pulleys to heave and grunt, an image in her mind she can never approximate, a body of rosy glass that never wrinkles, never grows, never fades. She sits at the table closing her eyes to food hungry, always hungry: a woman made of pain. A cat or dog approaches another, they sniff noses. They sniff asses. They bristle or lick. They fall in love as often as we do, as passionately. But they fall in love or lust with furry flesh, not hoop skirts or push up bras rib removal or liposuction. It is not for male or female dogs that poodles are clipped to topiary hedges. If only we could like each other raw. If only we could love ourselves like healthy babies burbling in our arms. If only we were not programmed and reprogrammed to need what is sold us. Why should we want to live inside ads? Why should we want to scourge our softness to straight lines like a Mondrian painting? Why should we punish each other with scorn as if to have a large ass were worse than being greedy or mean? When will women not be compelled to view their bodies as science projects, gardens to be weeded, dogs to be trained? When will a woman cease to be made of pain?