


[1]一个凡人怎能用他的跨度来度量永恒?或者用智慧的深度,或记忆的力量来理解它?高远的天空并没有那么高,地狱的深度与之相比是渺小的;世界与之相比,只是一步之遥。以赛亚书57:15马可福音3:29马太福音25:46[2]这是无岸无界的大海洋,是无底的深渊。这个世界自从洪水以来,已经存在了近四千年,在此之前已经存在了一千六百多年。[3]但是,如果我们以此来测量永恒,那么从世界的鼎盛时期到现在的时间是多少呢?从创世以来的整个时间,虽然很长,但更短,如果用永恒来衡量,那是最小的一段时间。[4]告诉每一颗星星,不论远近,在天空明亮的天空中,它一年四季或高或低地出现;告诉每一棵树,你能看到在这广阔的荒野中,在树林里,在洪水边,绵延千里。[5]数目是巨大的,但还没有大到你可以把枝叶叠起来,把树木挂在枝叶上;再加上你想象成四月里的雨点,它带来了流水和繁花;[6]数一数在空中飞翔的鸟群和有生命的灵魂,数一数在星空下它们的所有海岸上有翅膀的昆虫。数一数所有的草,就像你走过许多牧场,还有露珠落在草本植物的顶端。 [ 7 ] Number the Sand upon the Stran, and Atomes of the Air; And do thy best on Man and Beast, to reckon every Hair: Take all the Dust, if so thous lust, and add to thine Account: Yet shall the Years of sinners tears, the Number far surmount. 2 Thes. 1:9 Rev. 14:11 [ 8 ] Nought joyn'd to nought can ne're make ought, nor Cyphers make a Sum: Nor things Finite, to infinite by multipying come: A Cockle-shell may serve as well to lade the Ocean dry, As finite things and Reckonings to bound Eternity. [ 9 ] O happy they that live for aye, with Christ in Heav'n above! Who know withal, that nothing shall deprive them of his love. Eternity, Eternity! Oh, were it not for thee, The Saints in bliss and happiness could never happy be. 1 Thes. 4:17 Rom. 8:38, 39 [ 10 ] For if they were in any fear, that this their joy might cease, It would annoy (if not destroy) and interrupt their peace: But being sure it shall endure so long as God shall live; The thoughts of this unto their bliss, do full perfection give. 1 John 4:18 John 6:35, 40, 51 Rev. 21:4 [ 11 ] Cheer up, ye Saints, amidst your wants, and sorrows many a one, Lift up the head, shake off all dread, and moderate your mone. Your sufferings and evil things will suddenly be past; Your sweet Fruitions, and blessed Visions, for evermore shall last. Heb. 12:12 2 Cor. 4:17 Psal. 16:11 [ 12 ] Lament and mourn you that must burn amidst those flaming Seas: If once you come to such a doom, for ever farewel ease. O sad estate and desparate, that never can be mended, Until Gods Will shall change, or till Eternity be ended! Luke 13:28 Matt. 25:41, 46 Rev. 14:11 [ 13 ] If any one this Question shall unto me propound: What, have the years of sinners tears no limits, or no bound? It kills our heart to think of smart, and pains that last for ever; And hear of fire that shall expire, or be extinguish'd never. Mark. 9:43, 44 [ 14 ] I'le Answer make (and let them take my words as I intend them: For this is all the Cordial that here I have to lend them) When Heav'n shall cease to flow with peace and all felicity; Then Hell may cease to be the place of Wo and Misery. [ 15 ] When Heav'n is Hell, when Ill is Well, when Vertue turns to Vice, When wrong is Right, when Dark is Light, When Nought is of great price: Then may the years of sinners tears and sufferings expire, And all the hosts of damned ghosts escape out of Hell-fire. [ 16 ] When Christ above shall cease to love, when God shall cease to reign, And be no more, as heretofore, the Worlds great Sovereign, Or not be just, or favour lust, or in mens sins delight: Then wicked men (and not till then) to Heav'n may take their flight. [ 17 ] When Gods great Power shall be brought lower, by forreign Puissance; Or be decay'd, and weaker made through Times continuance When drowsiness shall him oppress, and lay him