


除了奎师那,没有什么是真正属于我的。我的父母阿、我找遍了世界、并没有寻得可爱的。所以我在亲族中作客旅、从他们中间被掳去、因为我寻求圣者作伴。只有在那里我才感到快乐,在世界上我只会哭泣。我种下爱的藤蔓,默默地用泪水浇灌;现在它长起来,满了我的住处。你给了我一杯毒药,我高兴地喝了。米拉全神贯注地沉思奎师那,她与上帝在一起,一切都很好!*啊,我的国王,我的父亲,没有什么比歌颂奎师那更让我高兴的了。你若发怒,就守住你的国和宫殿。神若发怒,我能住在哪里呢。 Thou didst send me a cup of poison and a black cobra, Yet in all I saw only Krishna! Mira is drunk with love, and is wedded to the Lord! * The heart of Mira is entangled In the beauty of the feet of her Guru; Nothing else causes her delight! He enabled her to be happy in the drama of the world; The Knowledge he gave her dried up The ocean of being and becoming. Mira says: My whole world is Shri Krishna; Now that my gaze is turned inward, I see it clearly