


南方人的心又一次痛苦,近来常常流血,在他们伟大的爱国者的名册上又添一个名字;一个空的地方?在那个方阵中骄傲。每一个荣耀的名字对一个强大的国家来说都是珍贵的?我的心,亲爱的不朽的名声。上帝赐予他的天才,爱国者?他是神圣的火焰,因为我们哀悼的是一位伟大光荣的父亲的儿子:啊!您吗?时间可能带来的变化,难道永远不会从人们那里消失吗?无论南方还是北方,克莱的名字都是不朽的。然而,在异国他乡,他的灵魂离开了地球,远离了故乡的故土,远离了他出生的故乡,这片土地,他全心全意,用剑,用笔,全心全意地为之服务,自从他加入了生命的征程,与他的同胞们并肩作战。没有南方的微风,温柔而甜蜜,在他临终的床边玩耍;没有南方的花朵,怒放,在他周围散发着浓郁的芬芳; The wintry light of a Northern sky, Earth robed in snowy vest, Were the scenes that met his yearning gaze As he passed into his rest But near him gathered devoted hearts, Wife, children, at his side, Wept bitter tears while hushed they looked, With fond, revering pride, On him who had ever been to them, Throughout his life?s career, A model of all that honor high, Or virtue holds most dear. And other mourners leaves he too, Who had learned to love him well. Though short the time since he had come, Within our midst to dwell: Friends who will keep his name fore?er ?Mid those they we set apart, To cherish deeply, and revere, Within their inmost heart.