


如果我死在这里,我郑重地请求你,为了老的缘故,把“我”身上剩下的一切都带到山上去,把我彻底地裹在我干渴时喝过的冰里——为了老的缘故,这句话是这么说的。到火车站去吧,有一张单程票,乘Umballa——货物列车——我不介意延误或摇晃。我将心满意足地休息,尽管苦力们吵吵嚷嚷;看在老的份上,把我送上去吧。接下来睡意朦胧的先生醒来,预定一辆卡尔卡面包车“四人座”。我想,很少有人再像以前那样愿意和我一起旅行了。我需要一个“特别”的休息——我以前从来没有休息过的——看在以前的份上,给我一个。之后,一切安排就绪。没有旅馆愿意收留我,公牛的脊背会折断,在柚木和铅皮下面,汤加的绳子又细又脆,或者,如果我坐在后座上,我可能会在汤加打转,——看在老的份上,尽你最大的努力。之后,你的工作就完成了。 Recollect a Padre must Mourn the dear departed one -- Throw the ashes and the dust. Don't go down at once. I trust You will find excuse to "snake Three days' casual on the bust." Get your fun for old sake's sake. I could never stand the Plains. Think of blazing June and May Think of those September rains Yearly till the Judgment Day! I should never rest in peace, I should sweat and lie awake. Rail me then, on my decease, To the Hills for old sake's sake.