


现在,琼斯离开了新婚的新娘,把家里收拾得整整齐齐;他躲到阿富汗边境上的胡鲁姆山上,坐在一块岩石上,拿着一个日晷仪;但在他离开之前,他教他的妻子如何使用使英里化为乌有的密码。爱情使他变得贤明,就像大自然使她美丽一样;所以丘比特和阿波罗联系在一起,根据日晷仪。黎明时分,他越过胡鲁姆山,向她亮出明智的建议——黄昏时分,夕阳西下,传来她丈夫的训诫。他告诫她"要提防穿猩红衣服、戴金色饰物的诱人的年轻人",也要提防老人家的谄媚;但他把最严重的警告留给了(这首小调就是这样悬挂的)那个白头发的浪荡子,邦斯中将。是邦斯将军带着副官和参谋在路上凑热闹,他们看见一台日晷仪在狂暴地玩着。他们想到了边境起义,想到了被洗劫和烧毁的车站——于是他们停下来把信息记录下来——这就是他们学到的——“点、点、点、点、点、点”两次。将军咒骂道。 "Was ever General Officer addressed as 'dear' before? "'My Love,' i' faith! 'My Duck,' Gadzooks! 'My darling popsy-wop!' "Spirit of great Lord Wolseley, who is on that mountaintop?" The artless Aide-de-camp was mute; the gilded Staff were still, As, dumb with pent-up mirth, they booked that message from the hill; For clear as summer lightning-flare, the husband's warning ran: -- "Don't dance or ride with General Bangs -- a most immoral man." [At dawn, across the Hurrum Hills, he flashed her counsel wise -- But, howsoever Love be blind, the world at large hath eyes.] With damnatory dot and dash he heliographed his wife Some interesting details of the General's private life. The artless Aide-de-camp was mute, the shining Staff were still, And red and ever redder grew the General's shaven gill. And this is what he said at last (his feelings matter not): -- "I think we've tapped a private line. Hi! Threes about there! Trot!" All honour unto Bangs, for ne'er did Jones thereafter know By word or act official who read off that helio. But the tale is on the Frontier, and from Michni to Mooltan They know the worthy General as "that most immoral man."