


我不求圣民在我的道上领路、也不求男女鬼使我走错路。如果再加上这些,我很高兴——如果没有,我也不介意,只要我有机会和我的同胞见面。因为我们来了又走(我们很快就会死!)主啊,你的子民,我配得上你的子民!因此,我将尊重那些美德闪耀的虔诚之人(虽然当我碰巧做对了的时候,没有人比我更惊讶),我将同情那些愚蠢的人,因为他们的罪恶带来了痛苦(尽管我的百分之九十九是咎由自取)。亚摩利人,以利米人,或一般人,百姓,主啊,你的百姓,对我已经够好了!他们虽使我厌烦至极,我也不摇耳而听,因为我曾使他们千万人厌烦得流泪。当他们努力打动我时,我既不怀疑也不嘲笑;因为我自己也做过同样的事,有时还成功了。是的,就像我们是,我们不是,我们假装是,人民,主,你的人民,对我来说已经足够好了! And when they work me random wrong, as oftentimes hath been, I will not cherish hate too long (my hands are none too clean). And when they do me random good I will not feign surprise. No more than those whom I have cheered with wayside charities. But, as we give and as we take---whate'er our takings be--- The people, Lord, Thy people, are good enough for me! But when I meet with frantic folk who sinfully declare There is no pardon for their sin, the same I will not spare Till I have proved that Heaven and Hell which in our hearts we have Show nothing irredeemable on either side of the grave. For as we live and as we die---if utter Death there be--- The people, Lord, Thy people, are good enough for me! Deliver me from every pride---the Middle, High, and Low--- That bars me from a brother's side, whatever pride he show. And purge me from all heresies of thought and speech and pen That bid me judge him otherwise than I am judged. Amen! That I may sing of Crowd or King or road-borne company, That I may labour in my day, vocation and degree, To prove the same in deed and name, and hold unshakenly (Where'er I go, whate'er I know, whoe'er my neighbor be) This single faith in Life and Death and to Eternity: ``The people, Lord, Thy people, are good enough for me!''