


山谷里有一片牧场,树林之间隔着,一群人躺在那里安静地沉思;在那里,野鸡主宰着正午,猫头鹰主宰着黄昏的潮汐,我们这个世界的战嚎也会消失,停止。在这里,我把每个工作日带来的累赘抛在一边,从阴影中解脱出来,在宁静、无柱的安息日,我考虑一些沉重的事情,比如苏塞克斯郡的牛在露珠中吃草!在河边的大门口,鳟鱼在浅滩上狂吠,我知道罗本古拉的骄傲,当他下令放下皇家牧牛场的栅栏,十五英里长的牛在草原上驰骋。从布拉瓦约的城墙上,他们排成不间断的纵队来到议会山切割蓝色的地方…我只有二十六只,但原则是一样的我的苏塞克斯牛在露珠里吃草!听到一声甜美的撕裂声,有盖的草被撕裂,平背平腹地看着它们移动。看她的肩膀,猜她的胸围,赞美她的腰,赞美她的臀,还有她的尾巴垂得很低,好让上面的肉露出来!数一数那宽阔无瑕的口鼻,试一试那温柔柔嫩的皮肤,当你的小母牛唤她时抬起头来,看一看那欢快整洁的下巴下丰盈的胸脯,还有那俯视一切的朱诺的眼睛!这是颜色,形状和物质,我将证明它,下个季节,在我的住所里将诞生一头密特拉的公牛,从他的玛瑙蹄到他的均匀分支的象牙,暗尖的角,都是完美无瑕的。 He shall mate with block-square virgins - kings shall seek his like in vain, While I multiply his stock a thousandfold, Till an hungry world extol me, builder of a lofty strain That turns one standard ton at two years old. There's a valley, under oakwood, where a man may dream his dream, In the milky breath of cattle laid at ease, Till the moon o'ertops the alders, and her image chills the stream, And the river-mist runs silver round their knees! Now the footpaths fade and vanish; now the ferny clumps deceive; Now the hedgerow-folk possess their fields anew; Now the Herd is lost in darkness, and I bless them as I leave, My Sussex Cattle feeding in the dew!