


这是德国皇帝颁布的会议的故事,为了减轻强者的负担,帮助弱者的需要,他给那些挣扎、喘气、流汗的人民传达了一个信息,要公平地计算稻草的数量,确定砖块的数量。大臣们聚集起来;他们从东部和西部吸引了巴尔的摩、里尔、埃森、布鲁马吉姆、克莱德和克鲁。有些是炉子烧成的黑色,有些是泥土染成的褐色,有些是染缸染成的蓝色;但大家都厌倦了辛劳。年轻的国王说:“我已经找到了,你们所寻找的通往安息之路:强壮的人将等待疲惫的人,强壮的人将为虚弱的人停下来;你们将在兄弟情谊的束缚下,以军队平稳的步伐,走向和平与富足——签字!”纸放在桌上,强壮的人低下了头,人们哀号起来:“啊,上帝啊,安息吧,因为我们要死了!”一只手伸到鹅毛笔上,一只拳头攥在手里潦草地写着,这时——一个蓝眼睛的少女的笑声清晰地传遍了议会厅。每个人都听到了她的笑声,每个人都看到了她的平原——赛迪、咪咪、奥尔加、格雷琴或玛丽·简。 And the Spirit of Man that is in Him to the light of the vision woke; And the men drew back from the paper, as a Yankee delegate spoke: -- "There's a girl in Jersey City who works on the telephone; We're going to hitch our horses and dig for a house of our own, With gas and water connections, and steam-heat through to the top; And, W. Hohenzollern, I guess I shall work till I drop." And an English delegate thundered: -- "The weak an' the lame be blowed! I've a berth in the Sou'-West workshops, a home in the Wandsworth Road; And till the 'sociation has footed my buryin' bill, I work for the kids an' the missus. Pull up? I be damned if I will!" And over the German benches the bearded whisper ran: -- "Lager, der girls und der dollars, dey makes or dey breaks a man. If Schmitt haf collared der dollars, he collars der girl deremit; But if Schmitt bust in der pizness, we collars der girl from Schmitt." They passed one resolution: -- "Your sub-committee believe You can lighten the curse of Adam when you've lightened the curse of Eve. But till we are built like angels, with hammer and chisel and pen, We will work for ourself and a woman, for ever and ever, amen." Now this is the tale of the Council the German Kaiser held -- The day that they razored the Grindstone, the day that the Cat was belled, The day of the Figs from Thistles, the day of the Twisted Sands, The day that the laugh of a maiden made light of the Lords of Their Hands.